I know a lot of people really rave about the breakfast at First Watch, but I think it's pretty mediocre, serviceable at best. It's a chain and it feels like a chain.
The decor at this particular location reminds me of a continental breakfast lounge at a hotel. I think the restaurant tries to go for a Florida Keys vibe but actually hits more accurately on a Florida retirement home vibe. Fine if that is your thing. It's not really mine.
I've never strayed far from the egg dishes and they are just fine. An omelette is an omelette is an omelette. Portions are decent so if you're looking to stuff your face you can.
What I think is strangest about First Watch is they way they serve the coffee. They bring a carafe to the table, which is fine, but I have never received a carafe that was more than maybe 1/2 full. And I know the carafe is on the table so heavy coffee drinkers like me aren't constantly bothering the waitress for more coffee, but once that 1/2 carafe is drained, I find myself bugging the waitress for more. Counterintuitive! Bring me a full carafe! In fact bring me two.
The service is also kind of weird here, like they can't wait for you to leave. That might just be because I drink so damn much of their coffee, though.