| - I had never been to the garden before, so decided to visit for the holiday lights, and it was a nice experience - many of the paths are lighted in a rather tasteful way, with both small lights alongside the path, and larger, tree-sized lights in the gardens. There are even some more interesting lights arranged in unexpected ways, such as green and purple bundles that have been put together to look like a grape vine overhead. Nicely done.
We actually arrived a bit before dark, which was nice, as it allowed for some time to see the place in both the "normal" state and then the after dark, lighted state for comparison, which was nice. Tough to say which is better. In the end, it might be the dusk, where you get to actually see everything and also the lights starting to peek out.
Regardless, the garden is a nice place, but as others have mentioned, for what you get the price is a bit on the high side, not because of the price on its own, but because you can be done rather quickly with what is there. Undoubtedly the fees are going to a good cause, but it does leave a bit of a bad taste because of that price. Still worth a visit, just keep that in mind!