| - A truckload of Eurofood on every plate! I have been wanting to try the Goulash House for a long time, when a business associate suggested it for a lunch meeting. I knew that the portions would be large, but wow!
I had the Mini House Platter so I could have a representative sampling of the cuisine. Plus, I could not decide what to have from the massive menu, hence the default platter approach.
My well stacked plate arrived very hot and fresh. On the bottom was a big fat cabbage roll, stuffed with rice, meat and garlic. Lots of garlic! Layered on top was a mound of sauerkraut, a debreziner sausage, and some golden roasted baby potatoes. Also, there was some "crispy smoked bacon" as it is listed on the menu, but lets be clear--these were massive chunks of lardon, or pork belly!
Finally for the quilt on top, there was a schnitzel the size of a small frisbee. Needless to say, a serious professional eater like me could not finish the meal without serious pain. It was all extremely good, and full of flavour. I always worry about European food, as I often encounter rather bland flavours, but not here.
So big a menu, so little time...