Don't Stay Here!!!! Highly recommend not staying here if you want to sleep or be treated with any type of respect by staff. Was up till 3am on Thursday night waiting for the music to stop rattling stuff off the walls. Had a 6am call that day and got 3 hours of sleep. Then the staff seems to like to accuse people of things when you are not present and charge your credit card. I called to inquire this morning only to be cut off and talked over then accused of illegal activities. Waiting on a phone call from management. Front Desk clerk after talking over the top of me and refusing to let me speak tells me it's because I was sounding as if I was going to get upset and that's why he choose to speak over the top of me to prevent that. I am a 38 year old man and was treated like a 5 year old being talked down too. I checked in at midnight. Left at 6am to go work at the Birds Nest. Arrived back at 12:30pm and checked out 12:35pm. Was barely in the room to do anything but try to sleep. Very happy my Tour Manager put me at the JW Marriott last night. If you are in old town I suggest staying at the W hotel, staff is way more professional and rooms are more insulated from the noise. Never had the issues with music there or staff accusations.