| - This place reminds me of some health food market you'd find in Asheville. I think you end up paying a premium shopping here simply because its the only one even close by where you can get this kind of quality in vitamins. You pay for what you get. However, should you pay a few dollars more here for the same product you can get at Healthy Home Market? Yeah - save on the gas if you live this way and have no earthly business being in Charlotte.
Navigating through the world of holistic isn't easy. You will find a tremendous amount of people that are willing to give you good advice. I'm thankful when they can pick up on me with my deer in the headlights look. I have my usual items I get, but just about every time I go, I have questions. I believe the store ratio of staff to typical people shopping is more staff to customers. This isn't a huge store (maybe 1500 square feet tops if I had to guess). If there's not that many customers, you theoretically can have a customer service person with you the whole time to spend however much time you need to answer questions. Top that Whole Foods!
Selection: It all boils down to square footage here folks. You might be SOL if you're looking for all the cut meats and things you would find in the big grocery store like health food places. I come typically just for the holistic, vitamins, and homeopathic remedies. I have found things here I can't get any where else (even special ordered once from Healthy Home Market). A small amount of dog food items can be found here, soaps, herbs/spices, frozen foods, some vegetables, etc.