| - I used to love this swim school, and both my kids attended for several years. The sad truth is that, over the past 6 months to a year, Water Wings has gone downhill dramatically and drastically. My kids no longer swim at Water Wings for several reasons, but my chief concern was many new and inexperienced swim teachers that simply put, do not know how to effectively teach children to swim. Unfortunately, most of the seasoned instructors from years past either no longer work with the company or have moved to California to work at the newest location. I paid for private lessons (not cheap) and in many classes the primary instructor was busy "training" a new instructor or chatting with a colleague. I understand training is necessary but it shouldn't take away or undermine the meat of the lesson, especially considering the cost and limited time allotment.
As a parent one of my main concerns - besides the instructors' inexperience - is the lack of accountability for children's safety. Employees are neither background checked nor drug tested, which in my opinion, is unacceptable when staff is in direct contact with children. (Not only, but you are quite literally putting your children's lives in their hands when you hand them over in a pool.) Additionally, the pool and facility is often dirty and unsanitary. This became more apparent to me after switching my kids to swim at another facility. There have been many incidents over the years (dirty play area, grimy shower area, floating grossness in the pool) but the one that stands out to me was when an individual had vomited in the locker room. I notified the staff and instead of properly cleaning it up, they had sprayed it repeatedly with a noxious cleaner (but did not wipe or clean the area). Eww.
The front desk staff is hit or miss. Some of them are super sweet and accommodating and some are rude and standoffish. As though they are better than you. Interesting. I've overheard them gossiping about their colleagues and other friends and even clients! Talking sh*t about your clients - and their kids - is not the best idea and is certainly unprofessional. I could go into more details but I think you get the point.
Moral of the story is - I would have recommended years ago hands down. Today I would caution to stay away.