| - Ever see that film by Morgan Spurlock about McDonald's called "Super-Size Me?" I didn't eat at McDonald's for at least two years after being grossed out by that movie! That being said, my Wife and I were super tired, heading out for a camping weekend at night, and we needed something to eat. Along Shea Blvd there in Fountain Hills, there's Wendy's, which I have given up on (expensive, small, and crappy); Taco Bell (NEVER); Arby's (weird, fake roast beef); Subway (genera-sandwich); & a few others. Long and the short of it is this... This food was just plain lousy, tasteless, grotesque, cold, and supremely awful! Had some chicken-part nuggets dipped in sugar sauces of your choice, an "Angus" burger, and the fries were cold, gritty, and tasteless. I really can't understand how and why people eat "food" at these places? Besides the totally disgusting food, the bill was like 18 bucks for the two of us, there were flies all over, and people were smoking just outside the entrance. I was grossed out for the rest of the evening- So much so, we postponed the camping trip and left the next morning because we were both a little upset to our stomachs. Think I'm exaggerating? Go eat there yourself.