it is difficult not to be a fan of akahana. i mean, a BOGO sushi roll deal EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK?! come on! and these are hearty rolls, my friend. fantastic flavors and super fresh ingredients.
and do i even need to mention that they have the plaza midwood staple of cheap PBR... on draft?
nestled into the corner at the corner of the plaza and central, it's a little dimly lit for my tastes. the almost dingy hole in the wall feel doesn't really capture the vibrancy of their food. i have only ever sat at the bar, which if everyone is eating and drinking can get to be a little too much for just one bartender. service doesn't suffer much, but the refills don't come as quick.
a number of businesses have occupied this piece of real estate, but i think akahana is here to stay... hopefully.