Sleepy Dog is a decidedly different kind of beer place for Tempe and the East Valley and I for one like this decidedly different approach.
First off let me start by saying there is no food at Sleepy Dog, so don't go there looking to get fed. The good news is you can order your own food and eat it there (just be sure to get the utensil's sauces etc for your food). OK with that out of the way.
Sleepy Dog is the most chill place you will find in Tempe. The beer is outstanding, I'm personally a fan of the "Yellow #1" the IPA and the red ale are also good, but I don't tend to drink those beers in the summer. In addition to beer there is soda and water for those who are the DD for the evening (seriously kids don't drink and drive it's bad m'kay).
So now that you have your beer and possibly your take out food (or food truck parked out front on occasion). What else is great about sleepy dog? The pleothora of board games and card games! Great way to chill on a Friday or Saturday night with your friends.
And that my friends is why Sleepy Dog Brewing needs to be on your must visit list for Tempe.