If you are interested in wasting money, watching a shell of the old Britney Spears march up and down the stage and being horribly disappointed, this is the show for you.
I am a huge huge huge britney fan and was so excited to see her but her show was a complete disappointment. For this next comparison to make sense you need to know mtv's show "made" where they take a normal kid and make their biggest dream come true. This concert was like watching a girl whose dream was to be britney and put on a show. She learns the moves, wears the blonde wig and then lip syncs to the songs. And that's exactly what you get. Britney is completely disconnected from the audience, says the 3 canned things she probably always says ("what's up Vegas?"), dances/ struts lackluster across the stage, and sings live for two or three songs. But don't expect her to dance, show any enthusiasm or excitement during any of the performances. During her live songs she literally squatted on the stage and didn't move. She sounded ok though.
Anyways, this sucked. Don't go unless it's free and someone promises you a bag of gold coins in exchange. I left just feeling so so sad for britney.