I came here once a long time ago and found their food rather bland so I swore to myself I'd never return. This week, I mistakenly returned to this restaurant not knowing I had been in before until my order came and I remembered the taste of their broth. It is realllllllllly bland. But I notice their clientele is on the older side and maybe these older Asians prefer their soup on the more watery side (I've had asian soups that taste intentionally bland before) so I can't dock them completely because it didn't fit my taste. And their noodles are very good. They have a nice texture to them. But their lamb soup was just filled with bones and I felt rather shorted for my meal because I barely got any lamb meat to eat. And I had to work for my meat by sucking it off the bone, which was not easy! I did give them credit for hospitality tho because when I brought it to their attention, the server said he would bring me more meat. Sadly tho, the extra meat was just extra bones, so I was still extremely disappointed. I am now bookmarking this restaurant as a restaurant not to return to. But if you like bland soup with tasty noodles, I'd say come here and experience their noodles. I really want to give them 1-2 stars for food taste in my personal experience but feel that would not give them some credit for their hospitable service after serving me my gross (and dangerous!) food. So thru get a mediocre 3...