| - Had them in the states, and it was a far better experience. many things are different up here, and not for the better. Had the bacon cheeseburger, Cajun fries and coke. Way over priced, especially for a chain. Had all these little cards of where they buy the food from locally, nice thought, but all I could think is, "So you're using this to justify the outrageous prices?". The US franchises buy locally but are more reasonably/competitively priced.
Got the food and it looked like I may have an experience worth the price. WRONG! Big burger, but looks like process cheese on it. Bacon cooked perfectly, little chewy and a little crunchy! the beef had no flavour, how is that possible? This isn't some Slim Jim burger, yet couldn't taste the burger itself.
For the fries, all I could taste was the seasoning. very disappointing. Very common mistake by burger joints, when I order fries I want to taste potato WITH seasoning, not just the seasoning.
I did love the free peanuts to curb your hunger while waiting, that is a great idea! If you have a peanut allergy, or part of the PC phobia bunch, then stay away.
Overall, there are other chains (Harvey's, Wendy's) that are better, at least in Canada.