Worst pedicure ever. First of all, including the tip (which they pre-calculate for you and add to the bill) it's $84 for a basic "deluxe" pedicure. You have to tip & pay before you go in.
The problem (other than the price) - ZERO attention to cuticles or rough skin. After staying at the Sanctuary resort for nearly a week and getting rough "pool feet", you would expect even SOME attention to the dried out cuticles. Or heels. Or just about ANYTHING other than the polish.
Want the fresh look & feel of a pedi? Forget it - you won't get it here!
Before my nails were even allowed a couple of minutes to dry, my sandals were put back on and I was essentially pushed out the door. Very awkward.
Top 40 pop on the stereo. FAR from luxurious... or even effective. Waste of money!