| - In pondering this review, I searched my heart to try to find one darn thing that I do NOT love about La Cave du Vin and I Could. Not. Do it. So, I'll elaborate on my 5-star rating by simply expounding the many ways in which I love this grape-seedy vin joint - no down side in sight:
From the tucked-away staircase that leads you down to the Cave, you enter into its chamber that always feels like midnight, no matter the time. The dark is velveteen, Stygian, broken only by twinkle lights and candles and the cigarette machine in the rear vestibule harkens back to a more reckless, bohemian age. Damn this place is sexy.
Sure, you might receive some brusque service on occasion and you can certainly sense that, were the room brighter, it would likely appear dingy - and that's part of what I love about the place. The Cave feels like the subversive kind of hangout that, as a child in the early-to-mid '90's, I imagined myself one day frequenting but which no longer seems to exist. It is a perfect place to have a deep conversation with a close friend, experiment with yet-bolder levels of flirtation with a date, or, simply, to quietly enjoy one of the best-curated wine and beer selections in the area.
Never have I had a glass of wine at the Cave that was anything short of excellent. I now like to tempt fate when I go here, simply pointing at a selection from the wine list and ordering blindly. Sublime, every time.
Go with someone you'd like to either get to know better or 'accidentally' fondle beneath a tiny melamine tabletop. Spring for a bottle and the cheese board and you're guaranteed a deeply enjoyable evening.