Went for kennel cough vaccination for my dog 2 weeks back. Front desk lady told me it was $19 inclusive of the booster shot that was to be administered 2 weeks later (there are multiple other places that do it for less than $15, but I chose to go with them since they promised to cover the booster shot as well). I went in today for the booster shot. They said that it was time for his valley fever test as well (I didn't keep record of it since my wife was out of town and she was maintaining his records), so I asked them to go ahead with the test. After administering the shot and the valley fever test, the front desk said I needed to pay $19.9 further for the booster shot and they claimed that no one could have told me that the first $19 covered the booster as well and they wouldn't listen to me when I told them about the information I got 2 weeks back. Also, later I found out from my wife that my dog was not due for his valley fever test anytime soon ($78).. I was effectively fleeced $100 by this clinic today!