(Read in Captain Kirk voice please)
Captain's Log Stardate 92308
I had just finished another grueling away mission on Planet Therapee 08. The only life form encountered was a woman named Councellar, who asks a lot of questions and seems to be adept at circular logic. She was not blue, so I did not make out with her and besides, that would violate the prime directive. Spock acted illogical even though he can't. Bones said that he wasn't something and I made Scotty do a complex engineering job in less time then he said he needed.
During the Shuttle ride home, I veered from my plotted course and visited the pleasure planet Angel Sweet in the Gelato Nebula. A fine distraction after such a mind numbing session...errr, I mean mission. Why all the questions? Why the poor artwork? Why is there a dead tree in her office? Hmm...
Upon docking at Planet Angel Sweet, the away team (me) was greeted by one of the inhabitants. A ditsy young thing that clearly has no clue about anything other than Hannah Montana, a local preslut from a nearby Planet Horseshit. I believe The Universal Translator was on the fritz, because I could have swore she said "I would rather shave than wash" and "What!? We have a website? I did not know that." Clearly a linguist will need to be sent to this planet.
The Angel Sweet planet offers up many distracting delectable treats to take the weary space traveler's mind off of his mind. What to choose, which flavors should I mix? Should I mix Cream and fruit or chocolate and peanut butter? Where is Zulu when I need to plot a course? Only one thing to do. Taste all of them and then make a hasty choice. Just say the first thing that spills out of your mouth.
(Keep reading in the Kirk Voice!)
"I'll.......have.........The Panna Cotta.......and Buttter......Finger.
A wise choice. The Carmel in the Panna Cotta mixed well with the Terran delicacy of fingers dipped in butter. I was even rewarded with another stamp on my official Angel Sweet card. 4 more visits and I will receive a free kids cone. Take that Kahn!
This place is so good, it should be as illegal as Romulan Ale.