If I were to base my star rating on the quality of coffee alone and the service, i would give this place 5-stars without question.
What really put a sour taste in my mouth was that I went to the shop and ordered a medium hazelnut latte with soy. A medium latte I think was priced (according to their menu list) at around $3.75 I believe. Now I don't know what happened between adding hazelnut syrup and adding soy milk as a substitute but once everything was said and done my order came to $9.77. I was shocked and added a $1 tip because I just feel obligated to always do so. So for one medium hazelnut latte with soy my order came to $10.77 with tip. I have lived in California and have paid $3 less for a medium hazelnut latte with soy than I paid here. For same if not better quality coffee and service.
I feel like it's important to note that no where on their menu list did they cost out milk substitute add-ins or flavored syrup add ins. If I had known how much each item costs I probably would have just gone with a standard latte.
1-Star for price gouging.