| - Worst hospital experience ever. Horrible lack of communication, given the run around and transferred from one person to another, finally being hung up on by of the Admins whose job it is to care for the families of the patient. Disgraceful customer service.
My ex-brother in law was air transported from Yarnell to JCL Saturday night after calling 911 because of a heart attack. We found out from one of his neighbors about 6:30am that this had happened and my ex-husband went immediately to the hospital. When he arrived about 7:30am he was told his brother was in the "Cath Lab" and as soon as they had information they would let him know. After an hour he tried to find out information and was told the same thing. Around 11:00 my children and I went up to the hospital and were told the same thing by the information desk, he was in the cath lab. We were then given incorrect directions to find said lab. After stopping to ask for help we found it was on a different floor and made our way there.
We sat for about 45 minutes and still no one came to talk to us, so my daughter went in search for help in the Cath Lab. She found a nurse who was willing to come and make some phone calls to try to find him, since he was not in said lab. While she was making her calls we overheard the person she was talking to say, "He died at 2 this morning." Yes, this is how we found out, by eavesdropping. Although she was helpful, when she got off the phone she refused to acknowledge what we heard, saying she had to get the proper person to come talk to us. Twenty minutes later a very nice woman by the name of Maureen came to talk to us. Maureen was appalled to find out that we had been in the hospital for 5 hours by this time and no one had made any effort to connect with us. Eventually, we were taken to the morgue to see him.
After find out he was deceased we began the process of finding a mortuary. After spending Monday making phone calls we made a decision and on Tuesday I contacted the hospital to let them know who would be picking my brother in law up. When I called I was told that they did not recognize the name and they would investigate. Ten minutes and a transfer later I was told that the mortuary had picked him up. Surprising to me because I had not authorized a pick up. By Tuesday evening we realized we had never been given his personal effects, so I contacted the hospital. I spoke to security who said that they would not give his stuff to anyone without a power of attorney or some proof of next of kin, although they admitted that they should have given us his personal items on Sunday. At this point I asked to speak to Maureen since she had been so helpful before.
This time I got a person named Kathleen, who holds the same position as Maureen. These ladies are the staff who are liaisons who work with families. The conversation started poorly when I said that John, the security guard, had had me transferred to her, and reminded her that she had just spoken to him. She said she had no idea who I was talking about about, then put me on hold. When she returned she asked what I needed and I explained we were trying to get my relatives belt and wallet. She proceeded to give me a lengthy explanation as to why she would not be able to help me, again acknowledging that we should have been given his belongings when we identified the body. I explained the long story about what we had been through and how many hours we spent at the hospital while he lay in the morgue. She told me that that did not matter to her and started to tell me a story about a little boy in the hospital. I interrupted her and said that I did not mean to be rude, but I was incredibly frustrated and did not have time for a story I just needed to find out what we had to do to resolve this. She said, "If you don't have time for my story I don't have time for yours" and she hung up on me. Yes, the family liaison hung up on the family.
The lack of communication, both internally and with the family is appalling. To sit for 5 hours trying to get information and being told that our family member was in recovery, while he had actually been deceased for 12 hours is beyond comprehension. Then to be treated so cavalierly and hung up on is just unacceptable. Avoid this hospital by any means, the ineptitude that we experienced is shocking.