I live 2 miles from here in Seven Hills and gave up on this place a few years ago due to terrible service and worse management. However, this morning I was craving a "quad espresso OVER ICE in a venti cup. I asked the cashier to please make sure the ice goes in the cup first and then the 4 shots of espresso. While standing at the pick up window I noticed a barista holding a venti cup with a few shots of espresso. Then she scooped up some ice and put it on top of the espresso. I told her I asked for the ICE 1st and then the espresso. She told me this is how we serve it and tried to hand it to me. I asked for the manager and she ignored my request. I then had another employee find me the manager, "MAURISO". I told Mauriso the situation, explained that I have been drinking "quad espresso's OVER ICE in venti cups since Starbucks first arrived in S. Nevada 20+ years ago. She told me that is NOT their recipe and I am WRONG. I demanded a refund and went to "The Coffee Bean & Tea" located on the corner of Eastern & Horizon Ridge in the Smiths Shopping Center. http://www.thedailymeal.com/drink/best-coffee-chains-america