"Museum Day Live! is an annual celebration of boundless curiosity hosted by Smithsonian magazine. Participating museums and cultural institutions across the country provide entry to anyone presenting a Museum Day Live! ticket."
We came here on Museum Day Live and had a great time here at this small museum. We managed to catch Squidsoup's "Ocean of Light: Submergence" one day before they were about to close the exhibit. Wow, what an experience! I think we stayed for three whole intervals to get the whole experience. We first stood around the outside for one interval, then we walked around the outer parts of the lights for the second, and lastly we stood at the very center of it. It's a really trippy experience. It was pretty overwhelming!
We also got to view the "[dis]functional: Products of Conceptual Design" exhibit. There was a chair covered in gum, two rose plants syncing and falling out of sync while being dipped in water, a dollhouse, an empty box, et cetera. We enjoyed studying all the art pieces and drawing our own thoughts about it.
There was another room off to the side where more great artwork was hung on display for you to gander, a lounge for you to sit and spin in cleverly designed chairs, and there was even a gift shop for you to purchase some items. Although this museum is definitely on the smaller side, it's a great place to spend an hour or two. Admission is $10 for adults and $7 for students. They also have days where admission is free. Don't bring your backpack or any beverages as you will have to leave them up front.