| - Worst strip club in town. The service is lousy and the girls are just awful. Our server didn't even want to give us our drinks after we paid her. It was ridiculous. My friend and I even asked one of the strippers trying to coax us into agreeing to pay for a lap dance what was going on with our drinks. She asked the server and the server says to the stripper "I don't want to serve them." WTF? I asked for the manager and explained the situation so he calls the server over (who was actually pretty damn good looking, but with a shit attitude) to explain herself. You should've heard the excuse. "Oh I was talking to my friends," blah blah blah. Look, first of all, you're not there to talk to your friends, you're there to serve drinks. Second, don't try to bullshit me when you know damn well I overheard what you said. I guess the manager disciplined her because I didn't see her for the rest of the evening. It's $25 per lap dance which is laughable considering that most of the girls are worth $3 at best. "I wish I had more hands so I could give those t*tties four thumbs down." The women in that place are like vultures, trying to get money from you while not taking no for an answer. Stop already. I told you no the first time. It doesn't mean keep bothering the shit out of me hoping I'll give in just so you'll leave me the hell alone. This is probably what they're thinking too when they do this. The bad experience didn't end there. When it came time to close, the stripper next to us just yelled "okay everybody, get the f-ck outta my club." Seriously? When the lights came on, all the strippers just scattered like roaches to their dressing rooms. Then, to top it all off, the security guy immediately starts copping an attitude. Telling my friend and I that we need to "get the f-ck out!" Seriously guy? The lights literally just came on. What a dump this place is. Avoid it like the plague unless you like skanky, unattractive, aggressive women and asshole staff.