| - Came in to see if I'd be able to buy ice without having to get them prepackaged in a bag (place straight into a cooler?), and the woman said yes. After I finished with errands, I returned with my 16 qt. cooler, and watched the woman fill it up with eight giant scoops of ice- all for $2.50! I think I can get at least double the amount in a bag for the same price, plus tax, at Costco, but I'd have to deal with the wait at cashier lines, the mess of opening the bag and "pouring" the ice into the cooler (I always have ice toppling all over, which isn't so bad in this heat), recycling the bag (or add to the pollution), AND all the ice that would eventually go unused. Better to make a quick stop at Paseo Water & Ice and pay for what I need (four giant scoops cost $1.75) and save the environment, one bag at a time.
This Water & Ice location not only serves your ice and water needs, but also Thrifty-brand ice cream and snow cones! I've already looked into Thrifty-brand in the past, so I know I cannot have it due to the corn syrup content (and other corn derivatives), and I'm willing to bet that all of those flavored syrups contain corn syrup and/or "natural flavorings," which are derived from corn, so "none for me, please," but Paseo Water & Ice does serve these, and I'm just passing the info to you.