| - Skummy at best, walk in, hostess doesn't say a word wile she seats you, no hi, or good morning or server will be right with you... Nothing! Then the server comes, takes our drink order, leaves, comes back, takes our food order, comes back with food, pleasant enough I suppose, go to put cream in my coffee, every creamer in the bowl had nasty dark sticky stuff all over them, never mind I no longer want cream in my coffee... Picking away at my very bitter over cooked almost sharp tasting eggs Benny, I look up and there is our hostess, standing in the doorway to the kitchen absent mindedly picking at her lips and inside her mouth then walks back into the kitchen, nasty! Glad she wasn't handling our food! Throughout the remainder of out visit she had her hands in and around her mouth! Coming from a serving industry in my youth I know that hostesses still handle enough for that to be unacceptable, the menu's for one, just think... She picks her mouth (maybe a cold sore?) then grabs your menu and you grab you menu... Gross, the back of the WHITE till monitor was grey with dirty finger prints, think about that... She touches the monitor. Dirty as it is, then puts her fingers in her mouth. No sense of sanitary at all. That is all!