Be diligent with the company and do not remain with the first assigned person if they treat you in a disrespectful manner. Check out what you are entitled to on the Insurance Bureau of Canada's web site. Do not believe everything told to you. Check out things first. Go online for supporting cases to help your cause.
Do not allow people to treat you like you are the criminal. Insurance companies are notorious for taking your money and not allowing payouts when claimed. I read about someone who had the insurance company returning his premiums paid rather than pay him benefits.
Cumis Insurance does have decent, honorable, open minded people working for them.
Closed minded reps will never listen to you. They are best known for how many people they have denied claims to. There should be a balance.
When you finally get a decent representative to talk to you will know what it is like to be treated fairly and honestly. They do have them in their employ. Hold out for one. I did and am totally satisfied with their service now.
I put in a claim at the recommendation of a neighbour who was successful submitting a claim for a full roof shingle replacement. About half of my neighbours faced this dilemma this past year. Last winter's storms damaged many roofs here. The homes are between 8 to 13 years old. The person who recommended I put in a claim had a roof which was 13 years old. I was told many in the area had received replacement or repairs costs through their respective insurance companies. I bought this house new 10 years ago and had never put in a claim yet. We replaced siding a few years ago ripped off by yet another storm and did not even think about putting in a claim.
I was initially shocked when the first reps assigned to work with me from this company were only interested in denying my claim claiming before inspecting the house my problems were probably as a result of wear and tear on the shingles. I still had half the warranty left on them.
Only after a threat was received via email highlighted in red from the company about removing the coverage for my roof should I not repair same immediately did I react. I had become preoccupied with my partner's ongoing health issues and hospitalizations.
We ignored the initial suggestion about using only the insurance companies partnered roofers and went ahead and had the repairs completed. Two companies had to be used as we have a flat roof portion and peaked roofs and companies tend to specialize in only the one kind. We used only bonded, insured reputable companies. Both said we still faced a full replacement soon due to the loose shingles caused by the winter storms. More shingles would come lose soon if the problem was not addressed quickly.
My end result was receiving a positive outcome. When you receive service from someone who knows what the word means it feels like you are in heaven. He listened politely to my rants, made no assumptions and was willing to look at the full picture. He did not come to with us with his mind made up. He was willing to consider what the roofer said on his assessment that the damage caused to the shingles was indeed caused by the storms.
I would advise everyone to not give up putting in a claim. You may still be found ineligible but everyone deserves to be treated with respect!
p.s. Get every thing in writing and keep good records. It helps.