| - I love coming here with my daughter; we have fun and it's a great workout!
My main complaint is the "lights out" or "laser light" skating; I think when they do this, it should be for a certain age group (maybe 10 and up?) We went for a session yesterday, and right at the end, a child tripped and fell right in front of me. It was too late for me to move, so I had to go down with him. I landed flat on my chest, and if I had not stopped the fall with my hands, my head would have slammed right on the floor. I also had to make sure that I didn't land on the poor kid. The fall knocked the wind out of me, and I am super sore today.
I think It goes without saying that many small kids are kind of wild and uncoordianted while skating; the last thing they need to be doing is skating on a dark rink. My suggestion is to clear the floor, and only allow certain ages to skate during those 10 or so minutes. then, allow the younger kids to have their turn for the same amount of time. I think it's a problem that needs to be addressed, epsecially if some of their own staff have been harmed as well (from what I was told). Yeah, we sign waivers, but the company should use a liittle common sense, and try to find ways to create a more safe, fun experience for everyone.