Its true, the lobster roll is probably the largest you've ever had... fresh east coast lobster with butter or dressing on a bun, however its probably also the most expensive you've ever had! At $29 (think they raised their prices recently) i could buy 2 (1.5lb) lobsters (canadian ones) at the chinese grocery store, boil them and make 3-4 of these for the same price. The seasoning was nothing special either, they need to improve their recipes i think... but i doubt they went to culinary school. Since its not hard to boil a lobster i would say this is not the best value in town...
I recommend doing that and saving your $60 to go to a fancy restaurant in the city where theres no way in hell you can drum up one of their fancy dishes at home (unless youre a master chef). The $9 cup of lobster chowder was more like vegetable soup with chunks of lobster... not a professional dish for sure..
So in summary, boil a lobster at home and eat out at 5 star restaurants... unless you're flippin rich and single.... then call me if you need a dinner companion....Funny, the lady serving us (owner?) talked like a schoolteacher (though staff were all very pleasant) and we felt we were back in 5th grade... the huge chalkboard on the wall with menu items didn't help the cause either...