I'm 39 weeks pregnant and was craving a Greek Chicken Salad.
I looked up on Google and found this place not too far from my job.
I ordered over the phone - was told it'd be 15 min. It took me about 10 to leave work, park and arrive to the front door. My salad was already ready.
I was greeted at the register with a smile and friendly faces (which THANK YOU FOR THAT) I didn't open my salad until I got back to work. It was a bigger salad - It'd didn't have onions as requested (THANK YOU FOR THAT) however some of the lettuce was wilted or slimy- which grossed me out. The chicken was delish and the pita bread was fab. so I had a few smaller chicken pita sandwiches with the provided dressing (which was good but garlic-ie).