My husband and I were on vacation in Las Vegas and we found out that marijuana was legal there. He has a medical marijuana card in Arizona, the state we reside. We looked online and found out that as long as you are a valid cardholder in another state, the Las Vegas dispensaries have reciprocity. This was wonderful news. This dispensary was found through the app, Leafly. On there, we viewed specials and saw that The Source was offering a first time patient $10 discount. The dispensary itself was trendy and clean. The clerks were very helpful. He liked the flower setup. It allowed him to smell the flower and see it under a magnifying glass. He bought two pre-rolls and then got the $10 new patient discount. They had an email club as well to get more discounts but since we aren't frequent Vegas visitors it didn't make sense for us. He would definitely recommend and come back again.