| - People be crazy on here. Really, lady, you smelled DDT? Um, that would be illegal, you moron. No one uses DDT. It's like the time I was on a yogurt break with a co-worker (if smokers get an extra break, why can't I), and a lady got really pissed off as we were licking our cones on a picnic bench outside a TCBY. Some guy was spraying for bugs outside the complex nowhere near us and she freaked out about how now there were chemicals in her yogurt. After she left in a huff and I kept eating, my co-worker leaned in with her eyes all wide in horror, "Do you really think the bug spray got in our food?!" Um, no, bitch.
Now that we have that settled. I love the guy who sprays my house. I am a huge pussy and hate bugs. I bought my first home and my poor exterminator was gracious enough to take my call on a Sunday when I freaked out over two dead roaches.
My mom also started using them after I refused to house-sit for her due to a flying sewer roach incident. Woke up one night to a huge roach making love to my toothbrush ... and I will never be the same again. She lives at the base of a mountain and those things are notorious around her neighborhood. She hasn't seen one since she started spraying. They even came out just to remove the offending roach who decided to hang out all day in the same spot.
Basically, I just like that my exterminator will always respond to me, even if it's stupid and I'm being a huge baby. I do have a boyfriend for the occasional bug removal (among other things), but he travels a lot, so I need me a back-up. He also always sends me a text to schedule the next spray on time. I don't have to think about it.