Not even Second CLASS. They have a hard time with the truth.
I was dropping my boxer off for the weekend and it was attacked by a mastiff which Second Home was fostering. I had to catch a plane to fly to see my son on his birthday and we agreed my dog would be taken to a local emergency vet which I had used before. Second Home took my dog to that vet, then to another vet and got into a car accident in which my dog was in the front and unrestrained. Airbags deployed. Finally, Second Home to my dog to my own vet. Fortunately, I had some extended family and a dear friend who pet sits to follow this closely while I was out of town. When I returned, Second Home's owner told me that the emergency vet wouldn't see my dog "because she wasn't injured badly enough." I told Roger that would never happen. I went to the emergency vet and saw the actual record. It said "refused care due to cost." I would not believe ANYTHING they say.