| - I had to cancel an event with The Wicked Chafer at the beginning of August, 2015 for an event set on November 13th, 2015. Per the company's refund policy I followed their rules in a timely and respectable manner - wrote and mailed a formal letter officially cancelling the event (the letter was approved by the company so that I would receive a full refund). I also gave the company AMPLE time - falling within their 90 day cancellation policy. WHAT IS THE ISSUE HERE? I have been ignored and lied to repeatedly.
I have several email and text correspondence from both Kevin Spring and Derek DeVoe apologizing and promising me my refund "promptly." I have been more than patient with these people. I completely understand the frustrations of cancelling catering events, as I have worked in this industry for 10 years, however, my cancellation should not have inconvenienced anyone considering the amount of notice I gave. Where is my money? The moment my refund letter was approved that money became mine again so, as far as I am concerned, this company has stolen from me.
I paid $1,132.77 on March 9th, 2015, was approved for a refund in mid-August and told I would receive my money back within 14 is now November 12th and my money is still nowhere to be found.
Email from Partner of the Company Monday, September 14th:
Hello Hannah,
Extremely sorry for the late response we have been working day and night to open our new concept The Wicked Taco Shoppe in Cleveland Heights Ohio.
We did receive your letter and we will be cutting you a check for the deposit you had given us, all I need is your mailing address so that I can send it to you promptly.
Thank you again for your time and I hope all is well.
Derek DeVoe
Vice President of Operations
Wicked Brands of Ohio Inc
The Wicked Chafer
The Wicked Egg
The Wicked Wrap
The Wicked Taco Shoppe
The Wicked Ramen and Pho
114 Barrington Square
Suite 233
Aurora, OH
Emails from CEO Thursday, October 15th and Friday, October 16th:
Hi Hannah
You have my apologies for our failure to communicate and resolve this some time ago. My cell is 619 646 5945 should you have any questions.
I will send your deposit out first thing in the morning and will send you a tracking code via my PA.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will find out where we failed and rectify it immediately. In your case, I will make this right tomorrow in the morning.
Kevin Spring
CEO / Corporate Chef
Wicked Brands of Ohio Inc
The Wicked Chafer
The Wicked Egg
The Wicked Wrap
The Wicked Taco Shoppe
The Wicked Ramen and Pho
114 Barrington Town Square
Suite 233
Aurora, OH
Not a problem what so ever. I do apologize for the lack of communication and failing to return the deposit in expeditious manner. I will look into it and ensure that it never happens again
Should you have any questionswhat so ever, please call me at 619 646 5945. That is my personal cell
Refund has been issued and you should recieve it within 3 days. I am sorry to hear that you had to reschedule your wedding. But all great things sometimes are meant for later. When the stars align and it is meant to be, all the doors will fly open.
I am not concerned if you were within the refund policy or not, this company would not have kept ny of your money. Only when the food is purchased ( 2 days before) is when penalties apply. You are absolutely fine and I wish youtwo all the best and happiness that life has to offer. Congratulations on all the great things happening for you two.
Warmest and sincerest,
*Update 11/24/15 - I was contacted by the BBB informing me that they spoke with Kevin, last week and he was planning on handling my refund but has yet to do so. Kolby, from Thumbtack, has been working to get my money returned to me, and contacted me yesterday informing me that Kevin said I did not fall within their policy for a refund, which I have multiple documented communications proving that I did.
This thriving company, that just expanded their business, has robbed me of $1,132.77 of MY hard-earned money. I am sorry I am no longer getting married. I am sorry for being patient and handling my cancellation exactly how your company asks. I am sorry for wanting my money returned to me like I have been told now for months. These people are CRUEL. I am being evicted from my apartment because I have been depending on this money to pay my bills, college debt and trying to get on my own feet as a newly single 28 year-old. Going through such a devastating process as a cancelled engagement has been hard enough, this company has made my life a living nightmare. I wish they actually cared about what $1,000 is to a person. Obviously they will take anything from anyone.