| - Before heading back home from Vegas, we decided we needed something that wasn't airport food. We came across Double Barrel and decided to try it out.
The inside is cute and definitely sticks to the southern and.... barrel.... theme. Their whole back wall is covered in a barrel print wallpaper (can they not just get real barrels? the world may never know) and they have cute wooden plank walls as well. One thing that I noticed is that during the warmer months, the whole front of the place has the ability to open up out into the strip and there is patio seating.
If you're not a fan of birds, don't come here. There were three little birds that had flown in during our stay and I noticed a couple of older women getting very annoyed trying to swat them away. They really don't do anything but chill on the ground, but I know some people are weird about that shit and may not be okay with birds being in there.
On to the dranks. We all ended up getting Bloody Mary's because we weren't feeling one hundred percent - but I mean it's Vegas, so that's normal, right? The Bloody Mary's were definitely unlike any other I've ever had before. They were spicy as SHIT! And no, that's not the Caucasian in me talking. My fiance and his southern friend were both blown away at how spicy they make their Bloody Mary's too. After you get past the initial shock they're delicious and drinkable. But, be ready for a kick in the pants.
I wasn't too terribly hungry when we came here so I tried to order the Cowboy Chili and they DIDN'T HAVE ANY. I was pretty sad because it sounded bomb. I ended up with going with a side of their mac n' cheese which turned out to be a great second choice. That mac n' cheese was SERIOUS mac n' cheese. Bread crumbs on top, creamy, rich cheese all throughout the dish... The whole nine yards, right there in a small ceramic pan.
Just based off of the mac n' cheese I'd come back. So if you want some fire mac n' cheese and a spicy ass Bloody Mary, these guys have got your back.