Not long time ago my furry baby-Sam had some really bad seizures and we had to bring him here. As soon as you came in the receptionist team was very kind, helpful and immediately called a nurse from the back. She took him away and put him under infusion and other liquids while giving him a high dose of seizure drugs, so they would finally lay off. As we arrived at 4pm we have been told that our dog has to stay over night and under watch. If no seizure would occur in those 24h of his stay, he can go back home. Thankfully he was brave and fought like a tiger and we were able to take him home the other day. When you bring your furry baby be prepared to pay right away. We payed $850 for all services. Liquids, drugs, stay, care and follow up with
Dr. Gietzen. At that moment you don't even count the amount of money you have to pay. When you love someone there is no amount enough. You just do what you can. After all we were satisfied and happy with the service and love of the nurses, technicians, doctors and receptionist team. Thank you so much for making my baby healthy again.