This was a funny show at first.
I really bothered that we didn't get our free drink. It was included in out upgraded ticket price. People to the left and right of us got their drinks but we never got ours which is disappointing but ok and. I was fine with the "hypnosis" until he made this really greasy pitch during the middle of his show about how he is selling DVD that can change your live. Help you to quite smoking and lose weight. First off even if these things worked, which I dont think they do, Why would anyone want to here about them at a show that is suppose to make you laugh. I'm on vacation, I'm not suppose to care about the real world right now.
After he made his pitch I just couldnt get back into the mood, it wall all tainted for me. He seemed to have vision of grandeur. Idk Its not hard to find better shows, you are in vegas after all. I suggest putting down a little more money and doing something else.
I left feeling disgusted, not by the act, but because of his pitch. Just thinking about it now makes me cringe.