| - I've been going to shows for a good 12+ years, and this is my first year going to the extreme thing. I won the tickets through a Yelp give-away, but I was planning on purchasing the tickets anyway, because my sister-in-law and I always see Taking Back Sunday every year that they come to Vegas. This was our 4th time seeing them together. She got the stage times so we planned to arrive at 7:00PM just before The Used. Security was easy enough and the ticketing people were very sweet. The crowd however is another story... SO many douchey teens.
The Used was really cliche in general, asking people to make a big mosh circle (why do they need to be told) and a wall of death? And pretty much suggesting that we riot against security, promoting anarchy, blah blah blah. When I was 15, I would have thought he was pretty badass, but as an adult, I just wanted him to shut his mouth. Taking Back Sunday came on at 9PM, just as the stage sets suggested, and were off right at 10. They played several of their greatest hits as well as new things, but WHAT IS UP WITH THE CROWD SURFING!? Back in the good old days of The Huntridge and House of Blues, they used to kick people out for crowd surfing. Here, I literally saw the same stupid idiot crowd surfing 10 times in one set. How is this happening?
Crowd surfers are such selfish little kids. I had a girl thrown onto my head, therefore pushing my head forward into the back of someone's skull so when she plummeted to the ground, I was about to kick her butt once she stood up. I gave her a big shove, and security was on me like white on rice, suggesting that I settle down. They also did a really good job most of the time catching the crowd surfers. I just wish they would escort them out! Overall, dirt cheap, 1.5 good band(s), good security, douchey bros. It's about what I expect from an extreme thing. Probably won't be back unless Paul McCartney or Brand New shows up. HA!