Very unimpressed.
$3.75 for a small soft serve vanilla cone?
The taste was extremely average. Certainly this is not big league ice cream in terms of soft serve. Dairy Queen is far superior. My wife was also completely unimpressed.
Yes it's organic. Yes that makes me feel warm and tickley inside. Yes I don't mind spending $3.75 for a knock out totally superior ice cream.
This ain't it.
The reality is that unless you drown the mediocre vanilla in some kind of toppings - on its own, this is a very so so vanilla that is no tastier than McDonald's.
Some of best vanilla soft serve ice ever tasted can be found in Norway - not at shakes and cones.
This place IMO is unlikely to make it - I will be surprised if it is here next year.
Sweet republic is so much better (not soft serve but true quality ice cream).
If the owner now leaves a goofy comment after my review - please - no need thanks!