| - Lovey love love this boutique. Finally checked it out on a First Friday, of all nights, even though I regularly stop at Roosevelt right next door.
The clothes are incredibly cute but just too expensive for me to justify buying. Not like Urban Outfitters expensive and cute though - at least this stuff is unique and good quality, so if I had an extra $90 lying around, I would totally buy myself a sweater or shirt or that darling pea green corduroy a-line skirt with the swallow patch. I love the dresses, but a hundy on a dress will have to wait til I get a raise (boo salary freeze/recession). However, the jackets were incredibly reasonably priced, around $100-150 and again, very cut. Men's clothes - not totally my taste, a lot of JT style hats and button down shirts ala martini ranch "I'm dressed up!"
But, I can afford the jewelry, and oh it is cute, cute, cute. Picked up a five-piece, simple silver toned ring for $6 - yeah, you heard me, $6 - and I get compliments on it all the time. Also picked up a nice little silver feather necklace for the sister for xmas and she loved it. The sis had seen one at U.O. or something for like $29, but I got her the one every girl at HH *won't* have for $18. AND, i can say about the men's selection is that I LOVE the hand-screen-printed (can you hand screen print? Does that makes sense) ties ($30)! In bright jewel tones like peacock blue, hot pink and lime green, with awesome prints like an octopus ... or a bicycle. Bought one for the BF for xmas and gave it to him early so he could wear it at his friend's xmas party and it was a hit! Very unique and incredibly stylish - and I'm a winner cause I'm the cool ass GF that got it for him.
Everybody wins!!!
I was going to give four stars, but how cool is shopping before hh at the Roosevelt? I'll tell you - very effin' cool. Another star and BB is outta this world! Ow!