This isn't where you go when you want a plain pepperoni. If you're in the mood for regular pizza, hit up your favorite chain. But when you're in the mood for something different, check out the World specialty pizzas. I think I have tried them all now and there wasn't a single one that wasn't good. The Tuscan and the Milano are a couple of my personal favorites. Almost invariably when I tell someone about it, I get a story about their favorite pizza place and why it's the best and why they only order from blah blah blah. Then I make them try a BOGO pizza and they are instantly won over, and I get the "damn, that's good!" look that can only be properly delivered while your mouth is completely full of something delicious. However, the World pizzas are a little pricy. Your best bet is to get picked up on Tuesday or Wednesday to take advantage of the buy-one-get-one-half-off deal which nets you two World pizzas for $15.