| - The Golden Pheasant (TGP) is 1,277 miles (2,055 km for you Canucks) away from my home. I know because I looked it up. Because that's what I do when I'm missing a restaurant. I obsess over it. And I obsess over TGP frequently. I mean, it's hard not to because they really know their schnitzel.
Words can't begin to describe how much I love TGP. Everything about this place is amazing. The food is absolutely delicious. Yes, the schnitzel is on point, but mother of pearl, that potato salad (you can't really see it in the pictures; it's under the schnitzel) is the stuff of dreams.
You may be thinking, "It's potato salad, guy... Calm yourself." To which I respond, "No, shut your stupid face, you don't even know." And there's enough food that you can share one serving. Not that you would want to, but it's an option.
I'm coming back in December, TGP. You're my third stop, right after I grab a double-double, and some Chilli Chicken House. ::insert excited squealing Jonah Hill pose here::