I thought it was annoying how after my listing expired on my house that the wife and I got phone call after phone call from Real Estate agents wanting to "help" us. Well, I guess we can add 'creepy.' to that list now.
We found a "report" on our front door step from Jack "Fuzzy" Daigle about the property that we had listed before.
First off, would I let someone calling themselves "Fuzzy" sell my house? Sell me a bag of weed? Sure. Wash my car? Maybe. Sell my house? No.
Secondly, the report had my wife's full name listed on it in a large font, and just left in front of the house. Thanks, we would love to give out my wife's full name to everyone who walks up to the door. Hell, that's how we answer the door. We just open up the door and blurt out our full names. Why the hell not?