I had an okay experience at Hula's, despite the Sunday night bartender passive agressively threatening to not serve my friend because he has his beanie over his eyes (note: I have seen said friend drunk before and this was not one of the times that warranted threats of non-service so rudely upon being seated.) My lobster bisque and pain killer was good...which I paid for and closed out in cash separately for each, $2 and $1 tip respectively. I know this because I had exactly one $20 bill left on me and only had $2 remaining when I came home. What ruined my experience here was my friend informing me that said bartender was claiming I never paid (even though bar tender asked, "You're closing out with cash?" each time) and trying to pin the tab on my friend AFTER I had left. So unprofessional and completely his fault for attempting to charge us TWICE. I question coming back after this incident.