My favorite part about Allegheny County isn't the big chain locations and fancy brand new spots (though I'll try anything once), but it's the places that give us our unique something from nothing flavor not found nowhere else and Lapko's, is one of those locations that lives up to that.
If Cheers was still on the air this is what it would be like. Original Tin ceiling, vintage memorabilia, old school charm looking to add in some new school style. A pool table and to my surprise one of those table top bowling games (this is the place for some great Instagram pics). I didn't eat but they serve food also, probably next time. If 8th and the Water Front continue to dedicate itself to revitalization I believe this place could survive long through another era of A homestead boom. I could kinda see Homestead creating its own SouthSide esque.
If you are fresh in town, looking for somewhere new to add to your untapped account, or always stay here yet never been, I'd suggest giving this place a visit.