The Bikini Lounge is a terrific dive bar, attracting mostly hipsters, bar-o-sauruses, sometimes bums and/or your occasional tweaker, and some slumin-it douches. Honestly I liked it a little more before the smoking ban (seemed to have more ambiance) but it still is a good place for some cheap drinking. What are you gonna do? Times change. Apparently some folks reviewing here didn't see the part about Bikini being a DIVE bar. Yep, so don't expect this to be some neat clean place with where all of the beautiful people go and security guards watch your car in the parking lot. It is what it is as others have said.
Edit: I have now realized that it has lost something - its dimness. There is a huge light near the ceiling that, um, just makes it too well lighted. Bring back my dark tiki bar!