I find it very hard to give anything more than one star if this business is in the business of turning away people before they can even become customers. I wanted to order a lunch combo and a drink. My total came out to about 12 bucks they said I needed a $15 minimum. I was told the portions were a good size so why would I even think about ordering more food especially when this is my very first time ordering from this place. I live less than 3 miles from this place you think they would make an exception for customers that are really close. The problem is that their delivery radius is too large .. They go from 40th av to 47th street and from baseline to northern. They are making their delivery money back on the customers that live closest to their restaurant. I'm sorry but I will never attempt to order from there again too bad I was excited to try a new Chinese place I don't sway from one to the next I mean c'mon Chinese food is chinese food when your talking about take out or delivery. Ill just have to go somewhere ill be appreciated for trying a restaurant for a first time, I'm sure the next Chinese restaurant will want me to be a repeat customer. Siu Wok peace of advice here, don't ever turn away customers especially new customers its just not good business or profitable, tightn up your delivery radius and then you won't have to have a $15 minimum order set, $10 minimum would do just fine.