| - Like several reviewers, here, before me, have stated: It's a shame that "no star" ratings can't be given. Had I that option I would have levied it for this chicken**** joint.
If you go here, prepare to be nickel and dimed at your every turn. (I would've gone to the restroom, here, but feared they'd want exact change to use it.).
The beau and I dined here this evening based on an email blast from the joint. Of interest was their $12.99 all-u-can-eat buttermilk fried chicken dinner special. It was "speshul," alright.
Everything on the plate was flavorless. The cook needs to come to the reality that if she's going to prepare Southern food, then she needs to recognize the existence two basic ingredients: salt and pepper. The crust on the chicken -- if it could be called that -- was soggy and sallow. The gravy rivaled Elmer's paste and covered the chicken, not the lifeless mashed potatoes. You don't smother fried chicken in gravy. Course as terrible as the chicken was, well... . Too, if you're serving Southern-style chicken -- offer the dark meat pieces of da bird. Not breasts only. Offering just the breasts is turning the dish into prissy fried food for pretty, little skinny-legged pants-ed people. If the cook wants to serve health food then Suthin' cookin' ain't it. Too, dark meat costs less, and that helps the bottom line.
The topper to this half of the review was after receiving an additional serving of chicken, the gravy and mashed potatoes were MIA. Turns out, the sides are not AYCE. What's more the chicken was served on a salad plate. I felt like I had just taken receipt of a child's plate. And without the gravy -- and plated against a green background -- the chicken's true color -- again, sallow -- stood out like a diamond in a goat's patootie.
The beau had Clams Alma (or a description to that effect). They were good I have to admit. The broth tasty and with great sop appeal. The downer, Debbie? The beau asked for more bread and was told that three more, thin, skimpy, half slices of mediocrity would be $3.00 extra. And from the tone of the waitron's voice, we could tell the kitchen's Bread Nazi had laid down the law: "No extra bread as vee haf vays of dealink vith such requestors."
Upshot? If you like unpublished rules and enjoy being nickel-and-dimed, then this joint is your kinda place. Me? I'm sticking with joints that have salt and pepper on the cookline.