Dr. Sauter help me during my 2nd pregnancy in 2014-2015. I went to him specifically because I was looking for a doctor who would support my choice to ave a VBAC. My pregnancy had no complications and in July 2015 I successfully had a VBAC with in a few hours of arriving at the hospital. He was wonderfully supportive during the entire pregnancy, he never tried to change my mind. Instead he gave me knowledge, tools and advise on how to be successful. And we where! He was just as happy for me after as my family and I where. Sauter is exactly what you'd want in an OBGYN. He is kind, understanding, very knowledgeable, skilled and makes sure you feel like his staff has time and patience for you as well as every patient they see. Thank you Dr. Sauter for your support in my own personal quest to deliver my way.