| - Ok I own a Subaru and went to the Camelback Mazda/Subaru lot to pick up a part. As I was carefully backing into the parking space, this women comes flying into the dealership, talking on her phone, slings her car into the parking space next to me and almost takes out my 12hr old car that I just bought! She parked her car so crocked, I mean just past the white lines on my side, that its now a struggle for me to even get out of my car???WTF??? And without regard, respect or consideration, just starts walking away??? When I finally get out, and confront the big dumb bleached bottle, black root showing, 80's hairdo women. I let her know what a crappy park job she did, and how rude and disrespectful she was. Her reply..."Oh well she says" Yeah! that's how I roll she states LoL, At least I kept it between the lines... then she proceeds to check the side where my cars parked. And then says, "Oh well I guess I didn't keep it between the lines...LHFAO! and go's on to say its ok, I the Mazda Rep, so don't worry about it, tells me that she is sure that I will get over it. I told her that as a car guy, at a dealership, where I frequent, that she should try and show a bit more respect for the customers. She says... Do You Mind! I'm trying to talk to my Mother on the phone and I'm late for a meeting? Now here's when it gets good. I went into the Mazda show room to speak to the manager, and was directed to the Subaru show room, where the "GM" DAVE MONTOYA of both dealer ships resides. I tell the receptionist, she's applaud and now go's and gets the Subaru sales manager, who I never wanted to speak to, and told him so. he then proceeds to make me wait for what seems like eternity. Finally Dave Montoya appears, I tell him what happen and go as far as to say, even though I would never by a Mazda, Now I'm seriously considering if I even want to shop Soobies here! Oh He says... I'll get right on that...NOT! he walks away, sends the sales manager back to me to take my number and name??? like you don't already have that, I've bout several cars here? and then he goes on to say that he's going to convey all this to some women in customer relations named Misty??? and she would call me, What??? Total brush off. Terrible customer service! Not to mention I never got a call back from anyone. BOTTOM LINE, Its tuff enough buying a car, but then to be treated like sub-human crap! My advice..." IF THE COMPANY CAN'T KEEP IT'S REP'S AND MANAGERS, AND ASSOCIATES IN LINE, THE THEY JUST DON'T GIVE A SHIT! AND THEY DAMN SURE DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU THE CUSTOMER" I did't buy what I set out to buy their. Now I did drive straight over to PEORIA SUBARU and spent $1000 bucks. I will never go there again! And I say to anyone even thinking about looking at a Subaru or mazda, TO STAY AWAY FROM THAT PLACE!!!!!! if YOU LIKE YOUR CARS, BECAUSE THEIR CAR GUYS AND GALS DONT GIVE A SQUAT ABOUT CARS....YOURS, MINE, THE ONE YOU MAY BUY, OR THE ONE YOU PARK ON THEIR LOT! Some one should have told the big dumb blond to mover her car and park it right!