Although very happy with our new dog, and the overall adoption experience (see my previous review), I am very upset that our dog did not have all of the recommended vaccinations when we adopted him and we were not advised that he was truly not up to date. They will argue that he was, but every vet (three different vets, including their recommended vet) recommended additional shots.
I took the dog tho THEIR recommended vet and she insisted he needed vaccines. The rescue was closed and I refused the vaccines stating that CERTAINLY he was up to date prior to being adopted out!!
Turns out he was NOT up to date on all recommended shots! We had to pay to get him several shots. The worst part was that we were advised not to take him on walks or to the dog park. The WORST part of the worst part is that we had planned a camping trip and our new dog was not properly vaccinated and could not go with us!! Even WORSE was that no pet hotel would take him without all his vaccinations being up to date. My dad watched our dog, but he is getting old and I hated to bother him with the responsibility. Besides, we wanted to TAKE our dog with us!!
Be sure you understand what additional shots are needed for your dog and make sure they are FULLY vaccinated for their own safety!!!