Do NOT use George Brazil Plumbing. I called them to fix a leaky shower faucet in my widowed mothers condo. My mother lives out of town so my wife too the time to meet the guy at the condo. They showed up and took a look at the shower and came back to my wife with some bogus book of prices to fix the faucet. Not knowing what it should cost or how long it should take to make that type of repair, she reluctantly agreed. They worked for a total of 15 mins and gave her a bill for $352.
Shocked that it cost that much, we called to speak with their customer service department. I reached a Dave (don't know his last name) who was rude, insulting and frankly a complete jerk when I questioned why it cost so much for such simple repair. I pointed out to him that they charged an equivalent of $1,400 per hour - his response was that we don't charge by the hour - we charge by the job. OK, fair enough, then I asked him why does it cost $352 for such an easy job and he blew up at me. I didn't ask for gold plated, diamond encrusted parts - just a plastic Delta faucet valve. When I stated I thought his prices were completely out of line and he took advantage of someone who didn't know what it should cost - his response was: "Well, that's your fault for letting your wife make that type of decision." I find their pricing practices at best criminal and HIGHLY UNETHICAL.
If you are need a plumber, do yourself and your pocketbook a favor and call someone who actually practices business ethics and won't insult you and your spouse when you question them on work they did. I can asure you that I and everybody I know will be sure not to become a victim of such unscrupulous business practices.