The owner john is an ARS HOLE!!! I am quite well known because of my mental illness challenges as well as my high musical skills. When my friends and I went to play @ the open stage night there, he was rude as hell, blatantly said he did not like me and was not even man enough to tell me why, when last time I played there I had the entire place clapping and everyone loved it and was telling me so for a year and a half after! It was a fucking funeral in there, (no offence to those nice performers) but even last year when i yes brought the house down (not even self acclaiming) this idiot wouldn't recognize real entertainers if 1 spit in his face (which i was just about to) there should be a sign "only the decrepit fossilized geezers about to die genere of music is permitted" Well my lesson is learned, so I warn all who do not want to be judged for no reason DON'T GO TO THE HORRID MOONSHINE CAFĂ... EVER Roarr!